Tuesday 21 April 2015

Radio Interview


My radio interview  ( no I haven't listened to it.)

See what you think?


  1. You sounded like a reasonable kind of chap and explained things in simple language. Not being a political genius I couldn't tell you if that's a good thing. You might have got more votes if you'd just shrieked 'food banks' a lot for all I know. That's all they ever do on the radio up here in Scotland.

  2. Well done. You answered all questions precisely, immediately and intelligently. With all due respect you will lose. Because all the straw men can be set up and shot down now you have declared your intentions so well. The best politician never does this. And I admire you greatly for that.

    It may be too late or you may not agree - the best way to attract regenreration is to get the developers to pay for it all in exchange for say 10,000 new homes. With news schools, roads, rail and commerce near the new homes, they will now sell for 20% more. Developer keeps 10% and uses the other 10% to pay for the infrastructure. Everyone wins. Except tenants. But hey.

    Have you noticed how the Greens are no longer very green now they can taste power? Hilarious. Ask them about it directly. They will hate you for life.

    Well done for the best interview. All the very best of good luck in the auction.
