Thursday 19 July 2018

YPP London meet-up tomorrow Friday 20 July

1. We'll be at the Brewmaster from 5.20 onwards for an hour or two. Leicester Sq Tube, exit 1, left and left again into the alleyway, look out for the yellow leaflet on the table.

2. Topics - new leaflet I am working on, very draft version is here

3. Ring me on 07954 59 07 44 if you're running late.

Thursday 5 July 2018

YPP London meet-up, tomorrow Friday 6 July

1. We'll be at the Brewmaster from 5.20 onwards for an hour or two. Leicester Sq Tube, exit 1, left and left again into the alleyway, look out for the yellow leaflet on the table.

2. Topics -the hot weather and the World Cup, I guess :-)

3. Contact me on or 07954 59 07 44 if needed.