Friday 3 May 2013

Election update

Our first ever candidate Rohen Kapur campaigned his socks off and got 0.11% of the vote in the Corby & East Northants by-election last year. Our second ever candidate Robin Smith campaigned [even more than his socks] off and got 0.26% in the Croydon North by-election.
I didn't do much campaigning apart from a few posts here; having my leaflet delivered to every household; and sticking a big poster in my front window, and I got 0.44% in the Essex County Council elections yesterday, (or just over 0.4% if you exclude the votes cast by me and Mrs W).


  1. Yeah but no but we all came last? which is the main thing.

    That reinforces what we are doing and saying so is a good thing.

    Monster Raving Looney's used to have that approach but no longer. Even they sold out too. They guy in Croydon was seriously trying to get more votes.
